The evolution of Apple's iPhone has taken a huge leap forward with the announcement that French carrier Orange will sell both a locked and unlocked iPhone on November 29, marking the start of an iPhone revolution (of sorts). The standard (locked) version will be tied to Orange costing €399 ($560) while the unlocked (free as a bird) version of the iPhone will be priced sometime later in November. That news is sure to be steeped in controversy.
The French iPhone revolution will cause significant ripples of discontentment in the land of the free where common people are losing the unlocked iPhone battle with Apple. For now the French can cry "Liberté" for iPhone while Americans continue their fight for iPhone freedom and equality.
"As long as freedom is not the version being peddled by the iPhone Dev 'brick' Team, those geniuses that ran the iPhone into a friggin' brick wall. That's not my idea of freedom." said Tim Ahert a retail design consultant from San Mateo, California who is still bitter about owning a bricked iPhone. Viva La Revolution!
More Details in the Herald Tribune Post (here)