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Anton Antokhin

There's a new iPhone app with really cool graphics that turns the iPhone into TOS Communicator. It's called Star Radio Communicator and you can see a video of it in action on http://talkndog.com


Presumably it will still only be good for American networks though? Us Europeans will stick with Nokia until it gets proper 3G functionality and can handle a decent network connection.


I'm in! I would love to see iPhone in the new Trek 2009 for sure. Weirder things have happened like news that Darth Vader is reading the Harry Potter books. WTF!


I would really love it if this were true...

The closest a company will come to a communicator is Nokia who MIGHT be releasing something ever-so-slightly Trek-like.

Thanks for capturing my imagination!


Awesome on the Quantum Leap reference. I am sure that was intentional ;)


I want to say thank you iPhone Savior for making us Trekkies think outside the federation. You started a great conversation that's still going crazy over at
TrekMovie.com Nice!


I agree with that, but they didn't actually use devices that were available at the time in the 60's Star Trek. They can use something to address today's issues, but it shouldn't be the actual product (iphone).


We're like 42 years in the future now from the time Star Trek first aired in 1966. The story lines addressed issues of the 1960s. So it's possible that the technological advancement of the iPhone would be included in Trek 2009 since it's a today issue that has caused major conflict with the anti-Apple factions at war with true innovation. The Microtards specifically.


Yeah but, Star Trek is set hundreds of years in the future. By then, they'll have things so much more hi tech than the iphone! Come on Star Trek, get back to using your imaginations and show us things we can't even imagine yet!


No way! If they did do that, the iPhone mindshare will just skyrocket!!!


In the Star Trek universe mankind had abandoned todays economic systems. Any product placement would contradict Star Treks philosophy. So if they have to use partners to fund the movie, I will hope, that those companys only appear in the endtitles.
I'm eager to see the movie.

Will B.

iPhone is used as a transporter twice in a tweaked Will It Blend episode. It's super cheesy but still cool to think of the possibility. It happens after the first blending of the ice cream shake. Click on my name below for the link. Or YouTube search is "Will It Blend and Seth Godin and the Meatball Sundae"


That would be sweet if the iPhone communicator was used in the movie to transport. I'm so pissed that the release date has been pushed to May 09. Now even more pissed knowing iPhone is one of the cast members. Argh!

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