NEW YORK, NY - Shortly after the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in Manhattan closed at
3:00 p.m. today for the overnight filming of a new 3G iPhone
commercial, a witness snapped a photo of another Apple staff member
wearing a fat suit. The photographer was immediately shut down by
security. You'll notice in the photo above that the man on the far left
has fixed his gaze upon the obvious top-heavy Apple chubster talking to
bystanders. The fat suits are allegedly being used to smuggle new 3G
iPhones into Apple store locations as we first reported a few days ago.
Apple's 5th Avenue store has only been entirely closed twice in its brief history: the iPhone launch and the Leopard launch according to a report by MacRumors. Apple's retail page indicates that the store will reopen on Friday, May 30 at 9:00 a.m. The iPhone Savior has retrieved several more emails claiming fat suit sightings outside of Apple's flagship store. Photo confirmation was not included. We've also uncovered that the 3G iPhone line starting to form outside on May 22nd, has mysteriously disappeared. Interesting.