Apparently one Steven Levy is not enough, so Newsweek decided to replace him with a fake Steven Levy since the real Steven Levy left to bring his award winning technology writing to Wired full time. Isn't Wired lucky? Steven Levy was the ultra-noob who lost his new MacBook Air blaming his wife's housekeeping for the mindless fiasco back in March.
Daniel Lyons or the infamous Fake Steve Jobs (as he's known to the short busers) has accepted the vacant fetal position at Noobweek taking over for Levy as the resident technologist with bad glasses. It's a perfect fake fit. Forbes took a great thing for granted in Lyons and will now suffer immeasurably without him because it's always about the money. Right Dan?
Fake Steve has announced he's taking some time off from his Secret Diary of Steve Jobs blog for the summer with fake guest bloggers filling in enough to maintain a faint pulse. Maybe fake Bono again? File this bit of boring insider news under who gives a rip or visit Valleywag for more of the same. It's all fake anyway.