SAN FRANCISCO - When high quality photos of what are being reported as new aluminum Macbook and MacBook Pro leaks started circulating this past weekend, many mainstream tech sites positioned the leaked images in their headlines as "the real deal". Committed Mac addicts and newcomers alike have begun to lash back at the media in anger, calling the excellent quality leaked photos "TMI" (too much information). Some claim that the leaks are ruining Apple's ability to deliver authentic surprise and delight at their highly anticipated MacBook unveiling event scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:00 am on the Apple camps at One Infinite Loop.
"When I saw the photo of the new MacBook Air style keyboard inserted in the MacBook Pro I was totally disgusted. That blows," said Bay Area graphic designer Neil Enbob, "There's no surprise left for October 14th. We've seen it all!" Enbob articulated that he's already removed the Gizmodo bookmark set aside for his participation in what has proven to be legendary "live blogging" of Apple events. "The media has gone too damn far, too quickly and that's too bad for too many committed Mac fans. We matter too you know. It's too much info," said Enbob in an angry tone, deliberately emphasizing the word "too", which he chose to wield around like a bull-whip.
Neil Enbob is not alone when it comes to expressing his personal disdain and disappointment over recent product photo leaks. Journalist Aaron Sadun who has written several dozen Apple related articles, expressed similar feelings of frustration.
"Who invited the freakin Chinese websites to the party? Back in the day rumors and leaked photos were far less accurate which made the speculation more fun," said Sadun, "Now even guys like Kevin Rose are in the rumor game making it so mainstream and uncool. Leaked photos of the 4G iPod nano were totally spot on. Why not report this stuff on Entertainment Tonight already? Then we can all go home."
Many are hoping that Steve Jobs will still manage to wow the media on October 14th with more than what's been revealed to date. Jobs always reserves the option of adding 'One more thing' which could catch everyone by surprise. Even though that has become more wishful thinking than anything else.
"There's still hope for "The Brick" being more than just aluminum manufacturing which is equivalent to announcing a new Zune turd to real Mac heads at this point," Sadun said. "I'm tempted to start reporting only factual Apple stuff again which actually could make my work really stand out amongst the popular posts du juor."
Sadun may not be too far off with his innovative idea of exclusively reporting Apple fact over fiction as the polar opposite to a recent glut of ridiculous rumors and fairy tales. "You can read nothing but Mac rumors all day on any work day from 9 to 5." Sadun said. The question is, does anyone really care about "just the facts" when it comes to Apple reporting? Do you?
[More Disgusting Leaked MacBook Photos]