Genius modder Matt, took the wildly popular Sound Grenade concept to unnatural extremes by creating the most dangerous looking music player in the galaxy. Matt hacked the guts from a 2GB Sansa Clip MP3 device and stuffed them into a dummy test grenade, adding imminent terror to his Metallica collection. I'm gonna take a leap here and predict that this MP3 hand grenade will never blow up as a mainstream portable music player, no matter how much shock and awe it delivers.
That said... it's friggin awesome broseph! Nice work.
[DIY Photos by openfly]
yeah,it's friggin awesome broseph! Nice work.
Posted by: MP3 Players | October 31, 2010 at 08:22 PM
You introduction is detail, thank you a lot details, but why do not you present some reference pics?
Posted by: Nike Air Max 2009 | August 29, 2010 at 11:53 PM