Apple dropped a small, stealthy iPhone update last week aimed at updating carrier settings. The mystery update in question added iPhone-coded carrier logo replacements for AT&T’s new MicroCell (femtocell) service. What's that you ask?
The femtocell device acts like a mini cellular tower in your home to boost signal strength, connecting through your existing broadband internet service (DSL or cable). The 3G MicroCell supports up to ten 3G capable devices with enhanced coverage of 5,000 square feet for both voice and data.
AT&T is offering their new MicroCell device, so customers can finally enjoy the improved cellular performance they were promised with iPhone 3G in the first place. Are you paying for 3G reception at home that sucks badly? Just add another device along with the associated fees to help boost your miserable 3G service for the remaining 16 month prison sentence with AT&T. Arrival date and pricing for the new MicroCell service remains unconfirmed. Consumer trials in three cities are scheduled for Q1 according to an AT&T service rep I spoke to.
So instead of having a network of hard hat, zombie nerds following you around like Verizon offers, you get to pay for a MicroCell FAIL tower to ensure you can enjoy your iPhone 3G at home. Blazing 3G speeds? Not so much. I've seen the the future, it blows!
"At AT&T... We suck less when you pay for more of what we do poorly."
There's already a "Set up your microcell device" page on the at&t wireless site:
Posted by: Elvis | February 09, 2009 at 12:20 PM