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skin tags

HAHA! LOL! Christmas season is over and there are lots of new iPhones now. But the way you made this is awesome. I think the owners here are not one person. iPhones' supposed to be expensive.

Dork Boy The Idiot King

That tree would make my dorm room the most popular one around!

Jack Assman

Nice Christmas Tree you got here. I do think this is expensive. I never thought of this. Nice!

cell phone lookup

gonna do this, brilliant

reverse phone number lookup

Wow, that is some tree, haha.


Very cool indeed! I'll be copy your idea this next xmas! Hope you don't mind!


So many great ideas I can use from this. Thank you very much!

ad blast

Thanks so much, please keep up the greatr work. It's coming around to Christmas again!

reverse cell lookup

Great video... will try that myself too ;)

Reverse Phone Lookup

Hilarious concept, I love it. If I had the resources I'd do the same for Xmas time :D

Apricot Tree

Great information that is much appreciated. Thank you for providing such interesting content in my quest to lose the flab.

Acai Max Cleanse

I am surprised how people use there brain in things like this. I mean, a Christmas Tree of Iphones, thats WOW to me :)


My wife is a huge iphone fan and you should have seen her face when she saw the iphone Chrismas tree!

Waiting Room Furniture

Now wouldn't we all love to get that. Awesome pictures Ray, thanks for sharing.

reverse phone lookup

I just got an Iphone and I love it. Next Xmas I am getting that tree

Reverse phone lookups

Well I'm definitely doing this next Christmas!

cell number lookup

cool tree ..would be good for Christmass and childrens

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wow..Christmass tree with i-phone ..awesome

Reverse Phone Lookup

I was lucky enough to get my hands on the iphone Christmas tree before they sold out. My wife is a huge iphone fan and you should have seen her face when she saw the iphone Chrismas tree!

Acer DX650

Coooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmass toys:D


They SHOULD have made a TON more of them. Especially if they sold out THAT quickly. Tho... they MIGHT have violated copyright or patent laws in doing so.


Bought three of these and they look amazing on my tree. Thanks for this!

Reverse Phone Lookup

This will be cool Christmas tree )))

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