Apple's sneak preview of iPhone OS 4 on Thursday has set the stage for upgrade fever to hit this summer when the company is expected to launch their next-generation iPhone device. The updated OS 4 that delivers 100 new user features along with multitasking and expanded enterprise features will perform best when experienced on an iPhone 3GS and late model iPod touch devices.
"Multitasking is available only with iPhone 3GS and the third-generation iPod touch (32GB and 64GB models from late 2009)" according to Apple.
So, can we expect that iPhone OS 4 will function even better on a new iPhone model equipped to handle multitasking and a host of other new features with the greatest of ease? The answer is yes. iPhone 3GS brought improved speeds along with a built-in video camera (with editing), a 3 megapixel camera with auto-focus, voice control, a compass and improved battery life.
Now that Apple has offered up a sneak peek into the full monty that all 3GS users can expect to enjoy, it stands to reason that a 4G iPhone device will see a unique feature set aimed at sparking a mass exodus for original iPhone and iPhone 3G users. If Apple delivers shock and awe with their next-generation iPhone, 3GS users will quickly follow behind the masses regardless of the AT&T hell that awaits.
While it's certain that some will hold out for a CDMA Verizon iPhone model, that option is still some time off. Although anything from Apple is possible, all eyes will now be focused on their 2010 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) expected to be announced to begin June 28th. A new iPhone cometh!
"The old ones will still love the new features, but they’ll just miss ones like multitasking," Steve Jobs told the media during Apple's iPhone 4.0 Q & A session in Cupertino. "If that’s an incentive to get people to upgrade to the new phone, that’s fantastic."
Mr. Jobs already knows we'll be seeing much more than just multitasking this summer with Apple's upgraded superphone. The unveiling of a next-gen iPhone model is less than 90 days away. Are you ready for an upgrade?