News that Apple acquired a Bluetooth wireless headphone maker called Wi-Gear, the creator of iMuffs, turned out to be little more than a sketchy rumor according to a report by Barron's.
“The rumor is false,” Wi-Gear CEO Mark Pundsack said via e-mail in response to an inquiry from Tech Trader Daily. “Wi-Gear and its IP are still available for sale.” Source Barron's
Wi-Gear CEO Mark Pundsack confirmed with Barron's that Wi-Gear has "ceased operations," as the company notes on its Web site.
The iMuffs acquisition rumor was hoisted up by the blog The blog's author Seth Weintraub, updated his original speculative post, including an apology of sorts in bold type.
“Our source assumed that the movement of Wi-Gear co-founder Michael Kim to Apple was an indication of a purchase. We unknowingly used this same event to “verify” his story. We tried to get ahold of Pundsack but were unable to. We’re sorry, we were wrong.” - Source 9to5 Mac
The Apple rumor game is a slippery slope of impending doom. Getting it wrong is an occupational hazard that eats bloggers for lunch more often than not.