Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne has released a "Sound construction piece featuring Lips, Erykah Badu, Siri, and Biz Markie backwards." according to the description of a new novelty music track posted by the band on Soundcloud.
"Now I Understand" may simultaneously be the most important and completely irrelevant new songs of 2012, simply because "Life is beautiful." and "Music gets you high." It is a game changing debut for Siri that proves Wayne Coyne knows what it means to stay hungry and stay foolish.
Listening to Siri saying; "Wayne I don't understand the moon, the stars and the sun," over and over again on this breakthrough work of art helps me realize that applauding underachievement actually feels better when it's done as part of a co-dependant collective online.
There is truly no limit to what a few dangerous minds can accomplish when working together. Imagine if the Flaming Lips had more than a single weekend to work on this 3:04 minutes of haunting inspiration. I'm sure eclectic pop princess Björk is weeping somewhere having realized that she missed out on a tremendous opportunity to shine like Aurora Borealis.
"Now I understand" underscores my sincere belief that the world needs more singer-songwriters experimenting with Siri on underwhelming, minimalistic hipster music far more than it needs doctors and engineers.
Hipster Magazine heralded the Lips' work as; "Immensely obscure and exactingly constructed to give off the vibe that they just don't care."
The Flaming Lips tried something totally different with an iPhone and therefore no one should criticize them. So many people misunderstood Battlefield Earth when it first debuted, but I was not one of them. There—I said it. Somebody had to!
Listen. Radiate. Elevate.
[via Soundcloud] [Illustration by Garrett Morlan]