Here's three minutes of my life I'm never getting back. “The Instagram Song (Put A Filter On Me)”, does a novel job spoofing the realities behind being a hardcore Instragrammer — in a cringe-worthy, bubblegum, Indie-Pop style.
Clever song lyrics deliver spot-on satire aimed at Instragram users with the line; “I added shadows, so now it's art.” while the singer is photographing dog crap.
This ukulele-fueled thrill ride of art imitating true life is led by Julia Mattison, who has a bunch of other YouTube videos — although none have drawn the views like her Instagram Song thanks to a huge lift from Huff Post coverage.
Instagram is about being in community with other lo-fi photo nerds exploring an addictive social disorder that continues to gain popularity.
It will only be a matter of time now before The Instagram Song is featured on The Ellen DeGeneres Show — then this little (#annoying) tune will go viral for sure.
Julia Mattison on Twitter @JuliaMat