Queen of Pop Miley Cyrus is calling for Emoji equality as she begins to publicly speak out in the fight against iPhone emoticon injustice — citing that the little expressive icons lack ethnicity. Who's with her!?
When responding to a tweet by retail chain Sephora, who called for more variety in Emoji nail colors (currently limited to pink) — Miss Cyrus responded with a complaint of her own on a Twitter post.
"Umm before they add nail colors they BETTER add black people!!! #wtfemoj Am I right or am I right?" Miley Cyrus tweeted.
Although the recent upgrade to iPhone Emoji by Apple with iOS 6 included gay and lesbian couples — the ethnicity department is still somewhat lacking.
The current emoticons feature a handful of stereotypical images including Chinese, Russians, Indians and old people, but the whole African American category just does not exist.
So who better than America's country sweetheart to lead the important charge for Emoji equality. Somebody has to!
To enable Emoji on your iPhone open Settings > scroll down and select International > select Keyboards >then Add A New Keyboard > scroll down and select Emoji.
You can access the emoticons by selecting The Globe next to the right of your numbers key [123].
It won't be long now until we see an online petition from the NAACP aiming to put pressure on Apple to bring all races into the small world of Emoji.
Good luck with that!
via BetaBeat