Londoner Benjamin Lee has some real problems with his Twitter feed — and that's the good new. Lee created a fresh social media art form by compiling tweets containing the daily woes of the troubled middle class.
On his Twitter feed "Middle Class Problems" — Ben re-tweets all sorts of "problems" people whine about in 140 characters or less. Like @jtrulez who complains about one restaurant using "too much orange zest" in his brunch mimosa.
The brilliance here is Ben's treatment of these tweets which he pairs with perfectly melodramatic photos of miserable humans which instantly transforms the tweets into even more absurd works of modern social media art.
Lee appropriately describes this ludicrous whining as "Real problems but not real actual problems, just middle class ones."
I can't wait to someday see his work on display at a trendy London gallery selling for a ridiculous price. This might be one of the best ways to monetize Social Media — selling tweets as art.
Benjamin Lee also spends his time working as the Online Editor for the wildly popular website (more photos below)