The dawning of a new iPhone era has arrived with iPhone Black ushering in the 3G iPhone 2 keeping cult members on their knees praying for more. AT&T leaked an iPhone Black option in their "Select Model" popup menu for registered customers, giving credibility to our own heralding of a black plastic iPhone 2 casing weeks back. All of these clues lead to the conclusion that cult of iPhone faithful are hoping to be true, a blacker than your soul iPhone 2. With the Apple Store shutting down original iPhone purchases the iPhone 2 launch is now imminent. Who needs a photo? Black is coming!
Pasty faced iPhone losers are prepared to pounce into line quickly in order to not be outdone as early adopters of iPhone 2.0. A fate proven to be worst than death or death by Blackberry. Money is no object in an Apple economy that finds cult members anxious to pony up their membership dues less than one year after iPhone's original launch. Keep your eyes turned to the sky for the second coming of the Jesus Phone (iPhone Black?) because the true summer blockbuster may not be Iron Man or Indiana Jones after all. Look for the surprise ending to follow when Steve Jobs takes the stage on June 9th at WWDC.
(iPad Touch - book reader, gaming MID device? shhhh) iPhone Asia News