SAN FRANCISCO, Calif - With the huge amount of press surrounding iDating, the campy speed-dating fad that began in San Francisco after the launch of the iPhone, Niko Atuna and partner Michael Wong have announced an exclusive book deal on Monday with Willy Publishing, Inc. for "iPhone Speed Dating for Dummies". The book chronicles the birth of iDating along with providing a step-by-step outline for launching a successful iPhone speed dating party, delivered in a light hearted tongue-and-cheek style. The book deal comes in response to overwhelming requests by anxious singles across the country for detailed information on how to get a speed dating party started in their own city.
"We had no clue that there would be such a huge response to our dumb speed dating idea" explained Wong. "All we can do now is roll with the rolls of hundred dollar bills."
The book will detail getting an iDating party started, finding the right location, credit card processing, handling reservations and serving the best hors devours, among other valuable insights. The release is scheduled for the last week of October in time for holiday shopping. A special book signing party for dummies will take place just prior to Halloween with a costume optional iDating event held in San Francisco's downtown.
"Our parties are packed two nights a week" said Niko "We want people to laugh about iDating, it makes our parties more like a fun night out and less formal without any pressure."
Atuna told the iPhone Savior that she considered a speed dating for dummies book to be a perfect match for the surprising iDating phenomenon. "iDating is functional but still a silly premise for most singles" Wong admits, " That's why we're not trying to take it too seriously, we're just having fun while providing our singles community with a tangible service."
It won't take much hype to see iDating for Dummies speed off the shelves this coming November. Make plans to buy your copy. In fact, why not make it a date?
The Birth of iDating More about iDating
(Book cover example is does not represent actual final artwork or design)