behalf of the iPhone Savior, I must apologize to readers for my post
containing supposed renderings from the Milan Apple stores that I am
now certain was an elaborate hoax. I posted the article based on what
appeared to be very convincing source information. Late this afternoon
it was discovered to be an idiot spoof uncovered after several dozen
emails helped in the debunking.
It is confirmed that two Milan Apple Store locations are in process [link], the renderings are very real work but not part of those stores. I owe an apology to Flickr member Sunny Joker
who's images were used in the hoax without his permission. I actually
thought the designs were amazing and I'm disappointed that the Milan
stores may not look so chic.
Here's the thing, the more popular the Apple brand becomes world wide, the more we will see these kinds of spoofs, simply because they gain huge attention from so many fanatics willing to blindly believe. Attention has become a new cyber-currency that's highly sought after, addictive and worth it's weight in gold. I learned that lesson the hard way. [original post]
Fay Stoker
I want to thank you so much for your positive comment. Thank you!
Posted by: invierta proyectos | February 08, 2010 at 05:29 PM
I want to thank you so much for your positive comment and for thinking that my design is 'chic'. When i saw the hoax i actually had mixed feelings, one being that my design is being recognized and another is how to response to such situation (if my design were stolen without my knowledge). I do hope that one day someone somewhere would recognize my design and make it in to something worth remembering. If you have any suggestion as to where I could contribute my skill, please let me know. If you are interested in designing and architecture, I hope we could be in touch to share our outlook and ideas.
Posted by: Sunny Joker | May 23, 2008 at 06:40 AM